Our kits are designed to maximise the potential of your equipment. All kits are manufactured in-house in our workshops and most are supplied with full installation instructions and training if required. We have a dedicated service department for help and advice with installations, should you need it. We can also install the kits for you at your premises or on-site.
All steel and rubber pipework is manufactured to ISO standards. Steel pipes are MIG or TIG welded and can be painted to suit your machine colour or supplied with a plated finish.
Kit Options.
Hammer – Shear – Grab – Pulverisers – Rotate - Tilt Buckets - Clamshell Buckets - Reed Cutter - Quick Hitch - Hammer/Shear Combined - Magnet Circuits - Height, Slew and Dipper Limiters - Fine proportional control for grab/shear and rotation/tilt bucket circuits.